From All Sides

Nikita Khrushchev’s announcement back in the Fifties, “We do not have to invade the United States”, might have been his ‘Game On’ message but the American people aren’t known for their lengthy attention span. Even when a Russian defector experienced in the Soviet program of Ideological Subversion explained it more than thirty years ago he didn’t have much luck in getting Americans to pay attention.

So what the heck, let’s review. We can start re-living the slide down the slope with the communist influence on the American Dream. In 1963, the 45 goals of American Marxism were entered into the Congressional Record.

Let’s see if those 45 goals had ever turned into reality.

Looks like Obama finally nailed the first three Marxist goals covered and the democrats as a whole took care of the next three. Nuclear disarmament appears to be a democrat thing.

Whoa!!! Obama again. How’d he get elected? From goal #11 is addressed…

Today (9/23/2009), let me put forward four pillars that I believe are fundamental to the future that we want for our children: non-proliferation and disarmament; the promotion of peace and security; the preservation of our planet; and a global economy that advances opportunity for all people.

First, we must stop the spread of nuclear weapons, and seek the goal of a world without them…

That brings me to the second pillar for our future: the pursuit of peace.

The United Nations was born of the belief that the people of the world can live their lives, raise their families, and resolve their differences peacefully. And yet we know that in too many parts of the world, this ideal remains an abstraction — a distant dream. We can either accept that outcome as inevitable, and tolerate constant and crippling conflict, or we can recognize that the yearning for peace is universal, and reassert our resolve to end conflicts around the world…

Third, we must recognize that in the 21st century, there will be no peace unless we take responsibility for the preservation of our planet. And I thank the Secretary General for hosting the subject of climate change yesterday…

And those wealthy nations that did so much damage to the environment in the 20th century must accept our obligation to lead…

And this leads me to the final pillar that must fortify our future: a global economy that advances opportunity for all people…

You ever notice how politicians all have this similar BS delivery style? They look off into the distance, head tilted upwards slightly as the phrases like ‘fortify our future’ and ‘advances opportunity for all people’ flash through their anterior cingulated cortex, slide smoothly over their tongues, rolls over their lying lips and out with just a vapor of truth that barely makes it to the microphone.

Reminds me of the time I once was sitting in on a democrat district meeting back in Pennsylvania when wannabe candidates were addressing the room in an effort to get on the ticket. One woman wanted to be a judge and she was talking up her qualifications and such and listing her qualities which included family values. Well, I want to tell you, being in a democrat room my ears perked up at hearing that phrase and when given the opportunity I had to ask, what do you mean by family values? She didn’t actually know judging by the way she couldn’t get the words out to form a response so I can’t say she got on the ticket. Then again, she might have impressed the local committee with her ignorance and even might have won a seat on the bench because of that. They were democrats after all.

On to the thirteenth goal; getting rid of loyalty oaths. California took the lead in mocking loyalty oaths to death.

…But over time, and after several level-headed Supreme Court decisions, the 1st Amendment violation inherent in requiring signatories to give up their freedom of speech and association became clear, and the most offensive parts of the California loyalty oath were tossed out. Though the full oath remains in the state Constitution, it is only partially enforceable.

While not patently unconstitutional or even terribly objectionable, the current loyalty oath in California is absolutely unnecessary — especially when you consider that public employees who are not U.S. citizens are exempt from signing. Obviously, the oath is not crucial to getting the state’s work completed.

And besides, who really believes people with malign or subversive designs would be stymied by a form attesting that they have no ill intentions?…

Their words not mine.

The fifteenth goal? The democrat’s participation can be detected right down to the end of the Marxist checklist. The translation is free and it reads ‘But there was no common anti-fascist actions. The SPD said that the KPD rotlackierte [were] “fascists” or “Kozis”. The KPD called the SPD “social fascists”. And for both sides [it] was clear: you can’t [fight] with fascist*in against other fascist*internal fighting together’.

I inserted [were][it] and [fight]for clarity. You have to understand communists always call everyone who disagrees with them fascists. It is a tactic they think puts them on the high ground. They have no right to use violence against US. American voters, registered independents, democrats and republicans wanted to reclaim the Country and elected the man believed most capable to reclaim it from the criminal/jihadist/communist conspiracy. Antifa’s violence was targeting the American spirit, not Donald Trump’s and their violence was not entered on a whim. I doubt we’ve seen an end to the likes of them, yet.

But don’t think We, the People are blameless. We contributed much to this crisis we are embroiled in. We accepted recognizable lies from both phony, no integrity political organizations whose office holders repeatedly crossed the line into criminality and compromise. We, in our willingness to settle for the tailings of broken trust, encouraged the swamp to thrive. We have no plausible deniability. If the swamp stinks to high heaven we still hold our noses as we reach for the low hanging fruit…

Cecilia Munoz made that call from the White House. You think she’s concerned about the rights of American citizens? And what does open society mean when planning the Country’s future is done in secret?

So, yeah, the information is out there. All people have to do is use a search engine for a couple of minutes and they’ll learn those raised as true believers from birth are just more alien demons walking amongst US; they are intent on destroying the freedom and liberty Christ promises and the U.S. Constitution was written to protect. They are hell bent on replacing it with laws created by the light bearer and enforced by those, who are comfortable with actions forbidden by a natural law of morality.

The general strategic goal of the Muslim Brotherhood in America as approved by the Shura Council and the Organizational Conference in 1987 can be read here in English starting on page 15.

I don’t know about you but I don’t think I ever heard the term ‘homeland’ before September 11, 2001. The New York Times Washington Talk; Prickly Roots of ‘Homeland Security’ By ELIZABETH BECKER AUG. 31, 2002 acknowledges America’s discomfort with the term in the linked article but the prescient general strategic goal of the MB used the phrase “a part of the homeland” in 1987. Could it be our political leadership was onboard with Sharia America way back when? Am I being too harsh?

Ten years ago the FBI was busy protecting the interests, safety and security of Americans.

In 2018, after the Muslim Brotherhood had their way with the DOJ through most of Obama’s two terms, the FBI focuses on White Nationalist islamophobes

This record of moslem love demonstrated by the coward elite is dated 2012 and focuses on the White House providing daily accommodations for the Muslim Brotherhood on a level unavailable to most American Christian patriots.

Here’s a look at jihadi terrorism and jihadi related crimes the elitist psycho-phants would like US to ignore as easily as they do.

As for the rampaging white extremists they compare to jihadists in the violent index, things got somewhat confusing. Their accusations against white males are all over the place. It is possible they consider their best examples of white nationalists (aside from those pictured in their ‘conservative yells’ photo in the psycho-phants arts section) are Dylann Roof, a self-acknowledged sociopath awaiting the death penalty for the murder of nine black people at a church service and one Jeremy Joseph Christian who was allegedly shouting at two girls because of one of the girls representative manner of dress.

Christian was confronted by two men, neither of whom learned the childhood rhyme sticks and stones. It is further alleged the two men became physical with Mr. Christian, who having allegedly learned his survival tactics in prison where muscle memory rules in survival confrontations, responded swiftly. Mr. Christian’s trial has not yet taken place.

The point to all this as it appears to me is, we are supposed to yield to the myth  that it is not jihadists who are a threat to our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness or idea of civilization, a subset of a white minority is.

A closer look at this taqiyya nation’s cooperation with the recent emergent powers of the modern West such as Nazi’s and Communists, Republicans and democrats should provide a more realistic vision of the fourteen hundred year old political organization as a sophisticated and systematically capable organization, more master than mendicant.

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